Hey Gang,
Our Hey Gang tradition goes on, missed a few years since I started this way back in about 2002 and usually its a bit late in sending it out so you may get part 2 for the late responses. Regardless here is 2009's Hey Gang Thanksgiving Thank List. Does that sound right? Maybe have to work on it.
Thanks Family and Friends for support and keeping up with my ups and downs.
Ruth A. from the Philippines writes:
God's financial provision on time and friends, guidance, strength in work, good health.
Shirl in Ky is thankful for:
I have so many I could write a book but my relationship with God that's my most one and thankful for my family, thankful for all the blessings God has bestowed on me
Nick in Florida writes: that my relationship with god has blessed me to the point i am at the right places at the right time doing the right thing.
I am thankful for God's saving grace. I also am so very thankful that God protects our family from harm, and has blessed us with good health. We are also blessed with good friends and family.
Be blessed,
I'm thankful for my family, health, & all this food we are about to consume.
Also for the freedoms we have, to write this email anyway I see fit, & to own firearms to protect all of are freedoms. Thank you NRA!!!
Thank you Lord for our brave men & women fighting to keep us safe & free!!! John in Maine
I am thankful for today, my favorite day of the year.
I am thankful for all my family that I will make holiday with today.
I am thankful for the good health that my family has been blessed with.
I am thankful for all the blessings I have been received of. Vince in Pa.
I am thankful for friends like you. :o) Happy Thanksgiving Carey!!! Happy Thanksgiving to your family too!
Yes I am thankful for many things. Here is a partial list:
a) I am thankful to be alive after my bout with h1n1 flu
b) I am thankful I am getting an advanced education making me a better person and voter.
c) I am thankful for all the positive work success and things that happened with Cutco.
d) I am thankful that the people finally passed a casino issue in Ohio.
e) I am thankful for the positive people in my life such as you and James Taylor.
f) I am thankful that I have an ability to help others when they need it.
g) I am thankful that I have goals and visions to strive for.
I know there can be more to add to it, but like I said this is a quick list. I do hope you and your family have a very happy Thanksgiving.
Joe U.
for the fact i'm still here to see my grand kids and family and friends. especially crazy people like you to keep me going. have a great holiday carey. dave in andover
The New Boy in my Household / Jim's New Girlfriend / A wife, place to live, my Job, & Salvation! Rich A.
My four boys are together for Thanksgiving again, and last night while they were on the floor playing cards and laughing like fools, tears came to my eyes. I am thankful for my wonderful sons and for their father who helped shape them into the fine young men they are.
I am also thankful for all the very good people who got us through the loss of our daughter this year. Friends multiply our joy and divide our sorrow.
Blessings on your day,
- Dawn Slike
Friday, November 27, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
its been awhile

Hey Gang?
Yes, I know its been awhile. And lately my responding has been even slower than usual, had a nasty virus in my comp which I'm almost positive I have rid myself of.
The past week or so quite a few friends have reappeared. Megan emailed and said she is on vacation in Fenton, Michigan, a little below Flint, and said give a call so we can get caught up.
Gary IM'd me with some sad news. His brother Bill has had two strokes and a heart attack, he is only 41.
Gwen has been emailing more as of late, she is back in St. Louis.
We had Uncle Akky's 60th B'day at Pettis Pizza. Have you ever seen an Italian Birthday Cake? Well look at the photo. Hey I planned it where else do you think I would of taken him, a polish restaurant. Besides candles in a kielbasa just wouldn't look right.
Went to the Coast to Coast meeting last night. A medium was the guest speaker. She said one very profound thing. She said soon its going to get cold, and its going to stay that way for the next three months so get your snow shovels ready and be prepared. I replied yes, we call that winter. I told you it was profound.
They also talked about this Shaman which brought to mind the story of the Shaman who hated to be hugged. In fact they warned you when you talk to him Please don't squeeze the Shaman!
I received a letter from a Bob H. in Marietta, Ga.. Back in 2001 he had bought an item from me on eBay. He had mailed back the refund check I sent him for an over charge on the shipping. The amount is not that great but he apologized for not cashing it and said you were honest enough to mail a refund that it should be back in your hands. At that time he had several deaths in the family. Yes there is still honest caring people in this world, thank you Bob! Now I can finally solve the mystery of why my check book never balanced all these years.
At the health care forum I attended a few weeks ago I met a fine Italian gentleman named Joseph De Rubertis. He is 88 years old and served in WWII. His passion for this country is still strong and would put many a young men to shame.
I will just share with you the first couple of sentences of the letter he mailed me. It reads:
.... I am not fond of what is going on in Washington. Our country is in bad shape and it is up to us to fight back. HELLO OUT THERE!!! This is from someone who is 88! Rise up people or forever lose your freedom! Anyone who is interested in reading Joe's letter please let me know I will make a copy for you, I am sure he would not mind as long as I omit his contact info. Its something you should read, especially the vets on my list. I am very impressed with Joe's writing. I salute you Joe!
Rich and Suzanne had their baby last month. A boy named David Rueben, 7 pounds - 11 ounces. They have already taken him on two trips. Last weekend they were in NY City and then New Hampshire.
Went to Walt's small Halloween party. Mostly family though I did dress. I think my costume should of won a major award, well at least honorable mention.
Emily has asked for prayers as she has a job interview today and desperately needs it.
Friends let know who wants to stay on the prayer request list. People have come and gone in the last year. Many of us are tied up with trying to make ends meet. The mood hasn't been as jovial. For the new comers, friends and acquaintances send me prayer requests and I pass them on. Let me know who wants to stay.
Enjoy the photo's.
Gotta GoGo!!
petti's pizza,
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