The Jefferson Gazette did a write up about the Strawberry Festival at the Jefferson Depot.
Well they got it half right.
This is my letter to the newspaper about their mistake.
June 30, 2018
Dee Riley
The Gazette
Dear Dee Riley:
I read your article in the Wednesday, June 20, 2018 issue of The Gazette. I want to thank you for including my book signing event in your article titled Jefferson Strawberry Fest Celebrates 31st Year. However, you stated that Jefferson was mentioned in my first book titled Hey Gang! Ready to Go-Go? But Jefferson was actually covered in my second book titled Cruising Across America!
Also, you stated that I mentioned Jefferson in my work, but the reader will discover that my coverage goes far beyond a mere mention. In addition, Jean and Jim Dutton purposely had me set up first by the Depot since I wrote about the Depot and the Jefferson Christmas parade. I believe it does a disservice to not only me, but to Jefferson and the Duttons as well to underreport my coverage.
As writers we both take pride in the accuracy of our work and seek to communicate the most precise and up-to-date information to our readers. For this reason I am requesting a correction in a near future issue of The Gazette so your readers will know that Jefferson was covered in some detail in my second book, Cruising Across America. After buying a copy of Hey Gang! Ready to Go-Go? readers would be disappointed to search – but not find – a discussion of Jefferson in that book.
Again I want to thank you for your coverage of my work in your recent article regarding the Strawberry Festival. I enjoyed my book signing event in your fine community and look forward to returning often in the future.
Carey Masci,
Local Author