What's Hap-been-in?
Well I recently went to School Camp, visited the Stoneboro Fair, camped at Cooks Forest, climbed the stone wall for a peek at Graceland during a trip to Memphis, visited the Christmas Story House in Cleveland, participated in a PowWow, helped spread ashes at a mountain wake and nearly ten more adventures without leaving my recliner thanks to my Ohio friend Carey Masci.
Carey just released his third volume travelogue and all are interesting, entertaining, informative, funny, thoughtful and thought provoking, not necessarily in that order. I recommend all three volumes but, if memory serves me properly, number one is my favorite because it's when Carey was lucky enough to meet me! 

Well I better quit there and let Chris Lambert, Author, Columnist and Lecturer tell you what he thinks about it...
Chris writes...
For those who don't like to travel, or who do but haven't in a while, then please read Carey Masci's trilogy of travel tomes and the next voice you hear will be your own shouting just one thing. "Everybody into the family car, we're going for a day trip!"
Masci will indeed inspire you to travel places both far and near to explore the friendly, the unknown and the humorous little out of the way places to visit. You may even be inspired to stay longer than a solitary day, or visit more than a single place. This is what these books will do for you, and as the stories he spins from real life will make you see, that with his observation, his wit and his humor filled descriptions, author Carey Masci is indeed,
The Mark Twain of the Travelogue
I believe each volume sells for $10 from Carey, I used PayPal...
$19.99 on Amazon.