Hey Gang,
This was suppose to be posted last week but I had computer trouble. Sort of my fault. I couldn't remove a CD from my computer so I hit it. Well the CD drawer came open with the CD still spinning at a million revolutions per minute but the computer was knocked off line and I couldn't reconnect. I got it running again, actually Mom did, she has more patience and faith then I do. I was ready to throw the pc away not her, she wasn't about to let up.
Anyways, here are a few of my favorite photos for the year 2008. These are just scenery. Tomorrow I will send out another with just people.
Gotta GoGo!!
1.Letchworth State Park
2.Birch Rd. Salt Fork, Ohio
3.Country Road - Kentucky
4. Flats of Cleveland
5. Snowstorm in March, my house
6. Letchworth State Park
7. Mead Park in Cory, Pa.