Friday, January 24, 2014

fact finding mission

Hey Gang
I am off on a fact finding mission... Does Niagara Falls freeze?  I researched it online and most say no way but I remember as a kid back in the mid 70's my parents took us up there and yes we have the photos taken that day to prove the falls do indeed freeze over.

So I am off to take more recent pictures figuring with this Artic blast the falls have to be in a state of frozen-ness. Who knows maybe I can debunk global warming once and for all. 

The weather forecast calls for white out conditions and cold.  But then again, you can't see the Falls frozen over if its warm. If by chance roads get closed well we will find a nice restaurant and a local mall and talk about the expedition Frozen Falls that got snow balled.

I will post photos on my blog on the return.

Gotta GoGo!!

1 comment:

Jeff Bedoll said...

For those who say Niagara Falls doesn't ever freeze over tell 'em to go to H*LL under the falls and find out first hand. ;-)