Hey Gang,
Well I finally got to see it – the epic movie “Gone With the Wind”.
It was playing in Massillon at the restored Lincoln Theater built in 1915.
It is one of those films that I would never sit through but when I saw it advertised on the Lincoln website I had to go.
Seeing a classic movie on the big screen at an old theater added to the movie and almost made it seem like a new release.
I was hoping to arrive in Massillon in the mid-afternoon which never happened because of the blizzard I awoke to. My drive had to be shoveled so I could pull out - that was delay one.
And then the ride down to Massillon was a real slow go. In fact a few times I thought my van would be literally gone with the wind as it was that windy and snowy. Traffic barely got above 45 and in some spots slower. We passed a car overturned on 271.

Sunday I read a news story of a car that had flipped on this same route killing someone I knew. But it was just a coincidence because the accident I read about happened on Friday evening.
Ruth and I finally arrived in time for the movie but minus any additional time to shop or find a good place to eat.
Anyway.... What was my thoughts of “Gone With the Wind”?
Well I found out it wasn't a musical.
It is a long movie.
The special effects of the movie may have been top notch for its day but today is well...
I thought the movie was very well acted and in fact almost made me feel sad for the south.
The first part of the movie was best, it could have ended there, the war scenes were great.
Its a really long movie.
Scarlet O'Hara though I realize was the main focus but there was to much emphasis on her, it was a bit much.
All those tragedies and people dieing wow. I mean this movie was probably the inspiration for all country music songs. War, love, cheating, drinking, dieing lots of dieing more dieing and a sad hearted man shoots a horse and in the end everyone is lonely.
A really really long movie.
But I liked it and would actually sit through it again, it is well acted and I got to see the scene, the most quoted scene of all time, I waited for the scene and waited for it and thought one of my two bathroom breaks made me miss the scene that I waited for... the scene – those famous words – everyone still quotes it- when I saw it it sent shivers up and down or is it down and up my spine, those often mimicked words by Clark Gable but you know what -
I will just shut up now because frankly my dear I don't think you give a damn.

Gotta Go-Go!!
About the theater... Because of the weather only 6 others were in attendance.
I was at the snack bar talking to the husband and wife manning the concession stand when the projectionist, Scott, came up to me and said are you ready, I am going to start the movie. I said that was the first time anyone asked me if it was OK if they could start the movie, thank you. Made me feel special.
Afterwards Scott asked my thoughts on the movie and the theater. I replied I was disappointed, I thought the movie was too short, wish it would have been longer.

I like to thank Scott and the couple at the concession stand and the rest of the staff of the Lions Lincoln Theater for a great time. I will be back.

ps: Hey Gang anyone want to plan a group outing to see one of the classic old movies playing at the Lincoln, let me know.