What a fun time at the Willoughby Cruise In. Out of all the car shows and cruise ins this is my fav. They close Euclid Ave., cars are parked all over, most shops and stores are open and it has two stages with bands at each one, just a great summer event.
The number of cars dropped this year. Not sure if it was because rain was predicted and some got spooked. They expected 500 vehicles with about 10,000 in attendance but I don't think it hit those numbers.
One thing I didn't like this year was the quality dropped and there were to many new cars that looked factory. Why they were allowed in I don't know. But what I really liked was where I parked the best spot I ever had at this show. I was parked in the center of the park. The Go-Go Bus looked perfect in the grass and under the trees.
I felt bad for Cassie, Walt's daughter. For her 16th birthday Walt bought her a really sweet '68 Mustang. She was so excited. Unfortunately Cassie parked next to the Go-Go Bus. The Go-Go Bus attracted everyone to it with no one noticing Cassie's clean ride. I am not bragging but usually it is a crowd favorite because it is so different.
I did quite well with book sales at the show. So many people asked do you actually take trips in this? I responded with... Well to answer your question YES in fact I wrote a book about my travels, handed the person my book and that led to sales.
I was a bit annoyed at one point. I walked a way from the Go-Go Bus only to turn around and see people in it. One little kid who was jumping about with her Mom watching, two young boys and two teen girls were acting as if it was a playhouse. What is with people?
I like to thank Alex. Sometimes I have a brain malfunction and go blank. My axillary battery must be bad because it is not holding a charge. I was disappointed that it was getting dark and no one could see in. Alex comes up to me and says well why don't you start it and charge the battery? Um yeah why don't I? Gee what a simple solution. Hey sometimes it takes an Alex to figure these complex things out.
I was to busy with everything so only took a few photos. That's all.
Gotta Go-Go!
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