Hey Gang,
Behind every dark cavity there is a silver filling.
OK maybe I don't quite have a silver filling yet but I
will get a filling of some sort soon.
I changed my west coast swing, as I call it, to
clean last week to Wednesday instead of the usual
Thursdays. For those who don't live around here I
live in the east suburbs of Cleveland and have a few
janitorial accounts in the far west suburbs of
Cleveland, there that explains that. It was a double
blessing day, one for me and the other for Jeff.
One of my accounts on the west side is a dentist
office that I've had since I just about started my
business. This dentist cleans and maintains my teeth
and I take care of his carpet. He told me good news
and bad news but I also got good news out of the bad
news. Follow that?
The first good news was my teeth and gums got a
clean bill of health. My dentist said "You aren't
listening to me, I told you to fall asleep with a
mouthful of candy, your teeth are to good. How can I
make any money off of you"?
But then the bad news. When I was a kid I had
chipped one of my front teeth. He didn't like how
that tooth looked so he X-rayed it. After all these
years the chipped tooth was abscessed and it needs a
root canal.
Now the good news about the bad news. The dentist
said "If you come in on my off day consider it a
anniversary gift for being in business so long".
FREE!!! WOW! He has no idea what a blessing this is
with my finances right now upside down. I would love
to tell you his name but he told me shhhh don't say
anything. He doesn't like accolades and I guess he
doesn't do this for just anyone.
Well dentist you know who you are thanks again and
Now Jeff's news. He was stranded in Toledo, Ohio
which is west of Cleveland. He called and said can
you do me a favor and pick me up? Being already in
Westlake which is about 32 miles from my house I said
sure, I just happen to be working tonight on the west
side instead of Thursday.
You just can't plan things like this and.... most
people wouldn't write about stuff like this either.
But thats why you like me because I do, right?
So todays moral of the story is Behind every dark
cavity there is a silver filling, in other words -
don't fret things will work out. For me after the
hassles with my rental it is a welcome relief to be
given this unexpected blessing by my dentist.
You know.... I might as well go further with this
and include the truck stop we ate at with Jeff
before heading back home. The truck stop is called
ROADEEZ. It is right off of turnpike 80 exit RT. 280,
Millbury. This truck stop makes home cooked meals
unlike TA which has prepackaged ones.
Our waitress was Joanne an older lady who use to own
a restaurant in Ocala, Florida and did most of the
baking and cooking for it. She moved back to Ohio to
be closer to her 19 grandchildren. Its amazing what
people tell me. Joanne makes the pies for Roadeez.
I am not much of a desert eater but she said you have
to try the peanut butter pie I make. So I ordered it
and let me tell you, wow is it good. She said it has
cream cheese and peanut butter in it. If in the area
PLEASE STOP and order the peanut butter pie and bring
me back a piece.
Ok now I can end this story.
Gotta GoGo!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
This & Dat
Hey Gang,
Here's some fun things that gives me a break from the Euclid problem.
Hope you enjoy these.
And yet another reason why I don't shop Wal-Mart
OK I know my niece and some of my good friends work there so my apologies to them BUT Wal-Mart proved me right once again why I don't shop there. I went to buy thank you cards and guess what? American Greetings cards are made in China. Sorry can't buy anything that says American followed by made in China. So I went to Drug Mart and lo and behold Hallmark cards made in the USA. Were they more
expensive? Of course but isn't your job worth saving?
Think about it.
Double Eagle and my article
In the last bottle hunt I brought my nephew he found an old Double Eagle bottle similar to the one I dug up previously. He asked questions about it so I went on line to look for the website where I found some of
the information I used in my article. I wanted to confirm for him what I wrote. Every link I clicked on led back to my article. Finally I gave up and told Seth just reread mine I told you I wasn't lying. Did you follow that?
Bagged Hillary
I was driving on E. 200 St. in Euclid on Friday and passed a garage sale sign. What this person did was take a Hillary for President yard sign, place a white trash bag over it and write GARAGE SALE but you could still see the other sign through it. I was so excited to see it because finally someone placed a bag over Hillary.
Speaking of Hillary
C'Mon you know its hard for me not to slip in a few things politically. This was Vince in Pa's. observation. He writes: Isn't it ironic.....I believe Hillary stayed with Bill only because she believed that would get her elected President one day, And I truly believe the reason she can't beat Obama, and the reason he won't select her to be his VP, is because of Bill :).
Absolutely Vince like that old joke back in the 90's Why didn't Hillary divorce Bill? So she could remain president. Maybe its time for the Ole Dog to kick Slick Willy to the curb. Lets pray we have seen the last of those two.
Orange from whence thou came?
Megan wrote and told me she had a strange visitor. It was an orange sitting right in the middle of her yard. She said the first thing she did was walk over to it and look up. She felt stupid afterwards knowing
she doesn't have any orange trees. Megan is still puzzled by the stray orange and how it got there as her and Rich don't buy oranges.
Pinky Grows Longer
Gary from Tulsa formerly of S. Ohio and Cleveland and Indiana IM'd me with this incredible story:
Hey I just got back from street witnessing and I saw God grow out a girls pinky that had been shot. Her finger was about half, I saw it start twiching under the power of God and it grew some. It happened at a
gas station down here called Quick Trip
My nephew set my computer up with Safari. It works ok but it seems that when I write my stories through Yahoo using Safari my words and alignment come out scrambled. So if you receive one of my emails with that problem you know why.
Gotta GoGo!!
Here's some fun things that gives me a break from the Euclid problem.
Hope you enjoy these.
And yet another reason why I don't shop Wal-Mart
OK I know my niece and some of my good friends work there so my apologies to them BUT Wal-Mart proved me right once again why I don't shop there. I went to buy thank you cards and guess what? American Greetings cards are made in China. Sorry can't buy anything that says American followed by made in China. So I went to Drug Mart and lo and behold Hallmark cards made in the USA. Were they more
expensive? Of course but isn't your job worth saving?
Think about it.
Double Eagle and my article
In the last bottle hunt I brought my nephew he found an old Double Eagle bottle similar to the one I dug up previously. He asked questions about it so I went on line to look for the website where I found some of
the information I used in my article. I wanted to confirm for him what I wrote. Every link I clicked on led back to my article. Finally I gave up and told Seth just reread mine I told you I wasn't lying. Did you follow that?
Bagged Hillary
I was driving on E. 200 St. in Euclid on Friday and passed a garage sale sign. What this person did was take a Hillary for President yard sign, place a white trash bag over it and write GARAGE SALE but you could still see the other sign through it. I was so excited to see it because finally someone placed a bag over Hillary.
Speaking of Hillary
C'Mon you know its hard for me not to slip in a few things politically. This was Vince in Pa's. observation. He writes: Isn't it ironic.....I believe Hillary stayed with Bill only because she believed that would get her elected President one day, And I truly believe the reason she can't beat Obama, and the reason he won't select her to be his VP, is because of Bill :).
Absolutely Vince like that old joke back in the 90's Why didn't Hillary divorce Bill? So she could remain president. Maybe its time for the Ole Dog to kick Slick Willy to the curb. Lets pray we have seen the last of those two.
Orange from whence thou came?
Megan wrote and told me she had a strange visitor. It was an orange sitting right in the middle of her yard. She said the first thing she did was walk over to it and look up. She felt stupid afterwards knowing
she doesn't have any orange trees. Megan is still puzzled by the stray orange and how it got there as her and Rich don't buy oranges.
Pinky Grows Longer
Gary from Tulsa formerly of S. Ohio and Cleveland and Indiana IM'd me with this incredible story:
Hey I just got back from street witnessing and I saw God grow out a girls pinky that had been shot. Her finger was about half, I saw it start twiching under the power of God and it grew some. It happened at a
gas station down here called Quick Trip
My nephew set my computer up with Safari. It works ok but it seems that when I write my stories through Yahoo using Safari my words and alignment come out scrambled. So if you receive one of my emails with that problem you know why.
Gotta GoGo!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Have you ever had that sinking feeling?

Hey Gang,
Have you ever had that sinking feeling? Well I did
twice in one day last Wednesday.
The first time was at 2pm when I got the mail. In
it was a letter from Euclid harassing me about my
rentals. Let me tell you the Socialists are gaining
strength. Wait till they start sending you notices of
fines and jail time if you don't comply to their
extortion you'll understand that feeling. But I don't
want to talk about that situation, thats for another
email. The second sinking feeling is the one I want
to write about.
Walt belongs to the Aqua Amigos diving club. They
have made me an honorary member or maybe more like
they allow me to attend their club functions even if I
can only barely swim let alone dive though I have been
to plenty of dives to eat at.
The Aqua Amigos meeting this past Wednesday was held
in Cleveland at the site of the USS Cod the WWII era
submarine. What a treat!
The rest of this story is in the book "Hey Gang Ready to Go-Go?"
things to see in Cleveland Ohio,
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