Hey Gang,
So everyone is wanting to know if we seen any ghosts. Should I jump ahead and tell you? I guess I should. Nope. OK I know its kind of anti-climatic now but the rest still makes good reading. Well you know what? In a way we did see a ghostly figure.
Our tour guide gave us a very brief tour of the house just enough for us to understand the lay out. In the rooms she did take us she would give a short talk of what the room was used for and what went on in it.
We went to the shower room where the guide insists a ghost that she named Mr. Anderson appears and answers questions. She was giving a demonstration of how to use divining rods to locate ghosts and spirits. Not sure how it's exactly done as I watched intently her fingers and did not see her roll them to move the rod. My friend Emerson in Southern Ohio insists he can locate water using a diving rod.
Anyway she asked Mr. Anderson are you in the room? The one rod swung to her left. She asked him a few questions and he didn't answer. Then she said if you hold them over most people's heads the rods will move. So she held it over Jeff's head and the rods crossed. Well right when she did it a lady snapped a photo. Its in this photo over Jeff's head you can see a figure. I asked the lady please email it to me, unfortunately she hasn't yet. BUT we all seen it. Wonder how this makes Jeff feel?
Now about those showers. This is gross. The men were allowed one shower every Saturday and only had one minute to take it. Thats punishment enough. Then I asked what did they use for toilets in the early years? Each cell had a pot and the last man in the cell at night had to empty it in the morning. Can you imagine 1,300 prisoners in a place with no air, very very cramped cells and a 60 second shower once a week?
Then can you imagine each cell with a full pot? Do you know what the place must of smelled like? OH MY!!!!
If there is a ghost from the early years lurking around his name would have to be
Gotta GoGo!!
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