Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving and reverse speech

Hey Gang,
This is how we spent our Thanksgiving evening, playing with reverse speech.
Reverse Speech
After Thanksgiving dinner, discussing life and playing a few games my sister wanted me to show our brother on the computer the clip of President Obama and the speech reversal of him saying Satan. The clip used the program Audacity to reverse the speech. After watching our Godless leader my other sister Candi said we have that program, never knew what it was for. She quickly brought the program up and spoke into the mic "By Jesus's stripes we are healed....."
Before I go further let me quickly give you some background into my sisters family. My brother in law has MS and him and my nieces have other serious health issues.
Well when my sister Candi reversed what she said I heard it immediately over the TV and the noise in the room. Her words backwards said "Sickness as usual". I was stunned but didn't say anything in hopes I was wrong. Everyone got quiet she played it again and we ALL heard it.
Mom tried a few sentences and nothing. I said Mom you need to speak from the heart. So I said say what you always tell me, Carey did you eat yet? I could be in the shower, it could be after a meal, I could be sleeping and Mom is always asking Carey did you eat yet. Well guess what it said backwards? START TO EAT YOU IDIOT!!! We laughed so hard, it was great.
So then Dad spoke into the mic. He said how much he loves us and what and how much we mean to him. Played backwards it said We love you!
No joking, we all heard it.
Mom tried it again and said this time Pezza Di Face (sp?) why are you always doing stupid things? In reverse, we heard the word Nazi and Tony. The significance? My mom always calls Dad, jokingly, Hitler and my Dads fathers name was.... Tony!
I could explain how and why this works but thats for another email. Just remember we are spiritual beings.
Gotta GoGo!!

for those who want to look at the links again of the backwards speech:


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