Monday, September 10, 2012

4 A. Labor Day weekend, Africans, Buddnark and More

Sunday was another OK day. I forgot I won tickets to the Irish Festival at the Lake County Fairgrounds. All this culture, African, Irish, Budnarr what ever culture that is. I had two tickets but went by myself. Just getting out as I was parking was a car from out of town. He saw the Bus and said Wow that is cool. I asked if he wanted a ticket he said sure. They drove all the way up from Columbus about 150 miles away to attend what they thought was the Oktoberfest. I walked away as they were still squabbling about it. Later on I found out the Oktoberfest was at the Berea Fairgrounds about 40 miles away. German fest Irish fest what's the difference both have beer besides at least they now had one free ticket.

These cultural fests are turning into real bland generic events or simply American. I thought I stuck out amongst the pale face but not as much as the ladies manning the coffee and snack booth I bought from. The lady asked do you want SHOE GAR? Awww, you must be Filipino. Yes I am. Shoe gar is sugar. I learned that from Ruth.

But whats weirder than an Italian buying coffee from a Filipino at an Irish fest? A Hawiian doing his native dance. All I could think of was the Irishman who set up the entertainment at the time had to be drunk.

I didn't stay long my sister and niece we waiting for me to go to Geneva on the Lake. More culture, bikers culture.

Gotta GoGo!!

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