Initially wanted to attend the Clifton Gorge Music & Arts Festival, maybe see some friends like Gale who lives sort of in that direction and from there maybe Kristine and Judy. While trying to come up with a game plan, Dee, one of the vendors at Antiques and Uniques, recommended the antique malls in Springfield, Ohio. There’s another Careyism for you. Of all the places someone could recommend seeing, Dee suggests Springfield which is en route to where I was thinking of going.
Anyway tentatively planned was an early Friday take off but a packed Thursday made me leave once again past midnight, ya had to know that was coming. So the revised plans were to at least make it to Springfield before day break before pulling over to sleep, which I did.
I can park just about anywhere but being a light sleeper I had to drive away from the exit to find a spot. I went east on 41 first then into the heart of Springfield. Now I know why there are so many antique malls in the area. Springfield has some really old buildings, and all of the houses are aged. The city looks not really run down but how do I say it, kind of neglected, not updated, maybe that’s the right way to put it. Springfield definitely calls for a return trip.
After driving all over Springfield at 6 am I found another place Dee mentioned, a large lake, Buck Creek State Park. And it was quiet, zzzzzzz. So quiet I slept in till 1 pm. What finally woke me? A quick burst of rain. Immediately after the burst it was sunny. I was glad for Gods wakeup call or I may have slept in till 2.
I only checked out one antique mall, I think it was the smallest, only 700 vendors – wow! It was overload, way way too much. You need a lot of time to enjoy it. I quickly left. The festival was no longer an option because of the time and rain so I called Gale.
Instead of going out to eat Gale invited me over for dinner. Gale gave me directions and said he would be on the side of the road, at least I think that’s what he said. When I approached the exit on the side of the freeway was a car sitting, thinking it may be him I slowed down, went onto the berm, got back on the road and took off. Not only didn’t I recognize him but I thought Gale has too much sense to wait alongside the freeway I had to hear him wrong. Nope, it was him alright. They passed me so I followed and when we exited Gale jumped in my vehicle. And guess what? We got lost on the way to his house. His GPS didn’t help and my paper maps we didn’t bother with since we had no clue where we were. But I did get to see 37 different corn fields. Eventually we found our way in time for supper.
Gale might think I am joking when I said I had to get around a man of reason but it’s true. I have other friends who are close to the same thinking politically as I am but nothing like the friends I met through the Constitution Party. It’s great to be in the company of people who are like minded. Besides being a true patriot with a great wife Gale has an early 70’s Plymouth Satelite. How can I not like the man?
Gale thought I was spending the night but with only 2 days I wanted to visit other friends. After supper it was time for me to hit the road.
Leaving there I used the modern rest area called Walmart, a most confusing Walmart. A sign read NO OVER NIGHT PARKING IN THE RV LOT. It didn’t stop me or four other RV’s from parking overnight. When I woke John and Amy from Harrisburg, Pa. came over to say hi. They were on their way to the Easy Rider Bike Rodeo in Chillicothe. John bought both copies of my books.
From there I met up with Kristine at the Spot on Main coffee shop in Jackson, haven’t seen her in years. Apple Brian showed up. After coffee it was off to breakfast at Valero, don’t make note of this place, blah food. You know instead of writing about some of the people Kristine introduced me to this is her post from Facebook:
FOREVER FRIENDS...Carey Masci visits Jackson Ohio again. Carey and I have been friends since 2004 and have been on adventures together, anyway...he made his appearance in Jackson, Ohio this past Sunday. He wanted to meet the "infamous" Ron Queen, "original hippie Terry Brewer, and the "porch sisters/porch sitters" Becky Stroth and Julina Lurhman "apple John Brian", and others. As always, he stirred things up by driving his 1969 Tradesman bus. Carey has written 2 books about his travels, and he tells me that the "adventures of Carey and Kristine" are in book 3.

The other person on my list I was hoping to see was Judy and her husband and it turned out they live close to Jackson. Ed mentioned a restaurant that we could meet up later at and Kristine knew exactly where it was. I had no idea how this would fall all into place.
While waiting to meet up with Judy & Ed, Kristine and I got caught up. Time stood still but also flew. If not for another burst of rain that reminded Kristine the windows on her Jeep were down we may have been even later to meet Judy. Kristine’s clock on the wall doesn’t work, no wonder it read 10 to 4 the entire time I was there, I just thought time moved slower in S. Ohio. If not for that burst of rain that made us run in to grab her keys I would have never noticed the time, we might still be sitting their talking.
I met Judy & Ed through the Constitution Party. Judy is some activist, so knowledgeable about current events and exposing corruption. I love her passion for America. And Ed, he can be a real card with his comments. I love this couple.
Ed thank you for the meal, it was great. Ed introduced me to the owner Chinese Johnny and even bought him a copy of my book “Cruising Across America”.

I was going to hightail it home but I decided on the slow route. I parked in Logan the gateway to Ohio;s scenic wonderland overnight. In the morning I came across a front yard sale that I stopped at and met the most interesting person. I was invited in her house and had a really great conversation with her. You know what… just meet her for yourself. Here is Kristine artist/activist/Christian:
So was this the end of my trip? Nope. Next blogging I will take you on a walk through New Straitesville and Shawnee which is as close to a ghost town you will find in the eastern US.
Gotta Go-Go!
ps: I know most people think its nuts to travel over 200 miles to eat supper with someone but for me staying in touch with good friends is priceless. I would rather squeeze in a dinner than try to make plans for a longer visit that may never happen. When you have the time, just go. It's memories that you will be glad you have.
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