Monday, April 14, 2008

State of the Hey Gang Address

Hey Gang,
Its been a long while since I gave any kind of an update on the status of the Hey Gang and or who's left so here it is.
Millard has been on his own campaign to restore decency in America. He wrote that he took out a new book at the Morehead library. It was full of curse words so he crossed them all out. The head librarian contacted him after someone took the book out and told her about it. He wasn't charged but she told him not to do that again. The librarian didn't reorder the book and it wasn't placed back on the shelf either because of the curse words. Way to go Millard.

Colin Baisden, from Century 21, the realtor who helped me buy my house, emailed to see how I was doing. There's nothing strange in that, but what was, he finally responded to my 2003 Christmas email which was the last time I talked to him. Hey at least he got back to me.

At the March Coast to Coast meeting I brought Uncle Akky with me. At the meeting was Ted Alexander a long time radio DJ and voice of many commercials for the Cleveland area. I found out that Uncle Akky and Ted Alexander use to live in the same neighborhood. Ted, when he was in his early teens, made a small radio station in his basement and would broadcast records for the neighborhood. Uncle Akky's Dad was Jay Miltner who broadcast on NBC and at times filled in to do the weather. Jay Miltner and Ted Alexander knew each other quite well. I just LOVE connections like that and to be a part of bringing it together just makes me feel so good. I found Jay Miltners voice on line and played it for Uncle Akky who is very computer illiterate and was so taken aback to hear his Dads voice again he made me play it over and over. If you like to hear Jays voice or see him check out these links. When I played it boy did it bring me back to when I was a kid.

Connie from N.C. finally has a blog-site. Her best friend talked her into it. She writes I am not much of a blogger but I do love reading other people's blogs. I have met some nice people. One is even a 27 time Grammy Award winner. Some are from other countries and one in Wisconsin is even in a Civil War reenactment that they do every year where the whole town closes down. So if you like to see who the lady from N.C. that prays for so many of you is, go to and click on Friends Websites and you will find her blog.

Megan is getting married and no its not to me. Oh well. Its August 9, 2008. The ceremony will be in her mom's backyard. The reception will be at the VFW in Brimley. Congrats Megan!!!

Vince from Pa. retired on Feb. 29Th, then promptly took a vacation. I still don't know what he retired from. When I asked him what he did, he said my job was so secretive that I didn't even know what I was doing. But some how he did manage to retire. Hey Vince you know I am just ribbing you, Congratulations on being able to retire so young and in good health!!

Denisee turned 40 this weekend and had a dance party at the Redstone on W76Th in Cleveland. I had a great time. Holly gave her a dozen carnations which were beautiful but I said look what I gave her, a 6 foot tall stuffed sunflower. Denisee are you really 40, you don't look it, I would of guessed 39. Serious though, you haven't aged a bit. Aren't you glad this is being broadcast all over the Internet?

Jeff is still truck driving and enjoying it. He sends post cards every chance he gets. So far I have received cards from Oklahoma, Indiana, Missouri, Nebraska, and Iowa. With the price of gas this may be the only way for any of us to travel.

Cindy R. is now working at a coffee shop on Lakeshore Blvd.. Not sure which one but if you start in Cleveland and work your way east stopping at all the coffee shops you may find her. Gosh if you do, don't stop and say hi to me, with all that caffeine in you, you will probably be a big ball of jittery nerves.

Rowe was in Colorado recently to attend his 26 year old grandsons wedding.

Ruth from the Philippines told me during our on-line chat she may be attending a seminar next week which is work related and connected with her church. She is a principle of Evangelical Kindergarten School. At the seminar she would learn how to take care of the school and other legal matters. Its held in Davao which is about an hour ride by plane from where she lives. Ruth told me that city is very beautiful and has plenty of fruits. I would just love to see it.

Jeff part two. Jeff had a break from trucking and was home this weekend. Him and I went to church. Pastor Jim was back at the helm after his four month sabbatical. Afterward the Pastor asked how about meeting some where for coffee. So the Pastor, his wife Lisa, Jeff and I met at the Branding Iron restaurant and had a nice time. The food was terrific and so was the fellowship. Thanks Jeff for picking up the tab!

Friday night I had an unexpected IM from Tri from Indonesia. Shirl was just asking me what happened to Tri? Its been quite some time I've heard from her. We must of chatted about 2 hours getting caught up. Tri is doing fine but like most of us here in the states she is also battling a cold. Makes one think - Pandemic?

Some of the others I use to be in touch with and write about, I wonder where they are. Ter', Tim in Michigan, Gwen in Mo., Michelle from the Philippines, Lisa in Alabama to name a few. Holly, Margaret and Sharon are drifting and don't hear from them much anymore. Hmmmm.....

Jeff B. was feeling ill again this weekend, this would also be his second bout with an illness. What is going on folks?

As for me, business is somewhat picking up, much better than it was. And I decided to get the Bus running again. I have come to realize the era of cheap gas is over! So I can either let the GoGo Bus rot by sitting, take a beating in selling it or just use it locally for car shows and save up for one long trip per year. I decided on the last one. I'm not use to not being able to jump in my Bus and take off every weekend. This lifestyle of being land locked locally is new for me. I want so bad to get out there and visit friends again.

If I forgot to include you with something you told me or if you have an update of sorts email and I can include it in part two. And that's a wrap!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Friend Always,
Gotta GoGo!!

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