What a delightful evening at the Coast to Coast group last night, welllllll..... actually most of the night except near the end. There was an incident involving a lady who became quite rude and almost hostile in her behavior when I started taking pictures. So much so I kept pressing for an answer why she was uptight and her horrified look. First let me explain more about these meetings.
These Coast to Coast meetings are based on the radio show of the same name that comes on at about midnight on most AM stations. We have different speakers or an open mic format. Nothing is sacred or left untouched as far as topics. Everything from conspiracy's, UFOs, politics, health, no stone is left unturned. You always learn something. If you get offended easily or are very opinionated its not for you because no one is right or wrong, though we do have discussions, ultimately it's still left up to you to decide fact or fiction. Once in awhile some one will bring up a subject that makes you shake your head but again we never say that person is wrong or argue, discuss yes but never argue. But this ladies actions have finally made me speak up and say hey enough with these weird beliefs. Sometimes ya just gotta!
Now about this lady and this cold, paranoid society we are living in today with so many weird beliefs continually popping up. Daily our society seems to get a bit worse, a little more paranoid, with more offshoot religions and people getting wound tighter and tighter. It almost makes the '90's seem like the wonderful '50's. What is going on?
Pre-911, I am starting to hate that term but its so true, I carried my camera and/or video camera everywhere. This goes way back to when I was a kid. Back then it was either a camera or a small cassette player. Thinking back on those days I can't ever remember one incident when some one got to the point of violence or hysterics. Of course I've had my share of oh no not my photo with plenty of faces covered by hands but their reason was I am embarrassed, I hate my photo taken I never look good, my hairs not combed, you know silly petty things that never amounted to much. And usually after the camera went click everyone was back to smiling and the usual I hope I didn't break the camera. Not today!
During the '04 election when John Edwards came to Mentor, Ohio I went to protest John Kerry running for president. I didn't have any signs, I was not vocal, I was fairly neutral, why? I had my video camera and wanted to ask people their thoughts. One guy who I believe was a teacher at the school and an obvious supporter of Kerry punched me when I asked his opinion. Why? In '05 I had an irate Chinese woman run me down while I was at a dentist demanding the film of the photo I took of her while at a traffic light. Why? I had a store clerk chase my out of Victoria's Secret for snapping a photo of a scantily clad mannequin yelling I could be arrested. Why!
If you would look at my home video collection you would see the different restaurants and stores I photographed and or taped because I enjoyed their food or merchandise and I would show it to family and friends. Now I am chased out of stores. Its their lose but its still a shame something else is being ruined and almost to the point of another freedom being eroded away.
As for the lady, she had her reason why she didn't want her photo taken which I will get to. But I need to set some facts straight to all these people that insist you need to ask someone first to take their photograph and or you can't post that with out their consent, hooey!
Have you ever been in a stadium crowd while a sporting event was taking place? Do you know somewhere you may be on a calendar, in some ones photo album? Are the photographers suppose to stop the action during the game and say OK anyone not wanting to be in this photo please leave. What about newspapers? Should they stop also printing photos? Magazines? Maybe we should stop all photography except nature and animals?
Some of the most memorable photographs ever taken were from people unaware. Some horrific as the little Vietnamese girl running naked after an attack in the Vietnam war. Some are celebratory as the kiss in Life magazine in WWII. Should we of asked their permission?
People have to ease up.
So what was this lady's problem? She said photographs takes a persons energy away? WHAT? I though that was only true for Dracula? Lady if you happen to read this on my blog I promise never to take your photograph, not because you asked me not to but because you take my positive fun energy away. I only want photos of smiling friendly faces on my website so you don't have to worry, your face won't be there. As for everyone else, plain and simple, just get over it and smile 'cause my camera could be lurking nearby and ready to go snap!
Gotta GoGo!!
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