Thursday, August 4, 2011

The X factor

Hey Gang,
So tired and so much to do. I shouldn't be writing fun or Hey Gang emails as I have so many other things going on. But I thought I better write something to let you know I am alive and doing fine.

The topic I chose to write about is something I wrote about in the past. The mysterious contrail X's. I tried in earnest to find the old article I wrote abo

ut this strange phenomenon but can't locate it. If one of you still have it - please forward it back to me. I think I wrote it in 2007 or 8.

Now these X's that appeared over my house happened two weeks ago. There was one to the west and one to the east. By the time I grabbed my camera they already started to change and vaporize into clouds.

I am not saying its the gov manipulating our weather, and I not saying it ain't, what I am saying what the heck are they?? Its hard to believe these are regular jet or airplane contrails. Who would authorize or have a flight pattern where two aircraft's intersect?

These were so highly visible I called my mother because I know she is always looking up to spot these entrails as she calls them.

Again I doubt if these are normal jet exhaust or contrails because after a few minutes the X's expand, become billowy and then the sky clouds up. Hmmmm.

Research HARP and weather modifications and tell me your thoughts or if you spotted the mysterious X's.

Gotta GoGo!!

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