Hey Gang,
I'm slowly getting caught up to date, this is about the weekend of the 16th.
Have you ever planned something and have everything just click and go smoothly? Have you ever wanted to share something with a friend or loved one knowing how wonderful or good it would be for them? I experienced both the weekend of August 16th.
I sent out an email asking who wanted to go camping or possibly a beach outing. The beach plans fell apart but Mark called asking if I wanted to go to Salt Fork and camp with his family. I agreed but was reluctant and just not really into it. In fact it wasn't until late Friday I finally told him I was going.
But before then, about mid week, I was talking to Lisa trying to help her through a rough time, a lot of changes going on in her life. I can't write all what we discussed but this is a very shortened version, and yes Lisa I need to put the part where I was stern with you. I told her what your problem is you don't want things to change, you are going back to your problems. So what was my finally advice to her? You need to go camping this weekend with us! Most people would of said lets meet at the bar so we can talk, or lets go to church, not me - lets go camping. It sort of reminded me of when I met Shirl and took her camping but thats another story.
Maybe some of you don't understand but to me camping is thee best place to clear your head and do some serious thinking. Especially late at night going for a walk, the air, the stars, the night sounds of the insects and animals, its so serene and beautiful. I just knew this would do Lisa wonders to be away from everything for a few days and wanted so badly for her to experience this. Plus the clincher was Lisa has children close in age to Mark & Becky's, it would be perfect for everyone. I love Mark & Becky's kids, had to throw that in. And it did turn out as I envisioned. Even though we never went on a hayless hay ride everyone had a blast and Lisa was able to have some quiet time to put things into perspective. I want to thank Mark & Becky again not only for the invite but also for the hospitality, allowing us to be part of their family and extending a helping hand to a friend in need. Thats how Mark & Becky are, though they never met Lisa
they accepted her and her children as one immediately.
NOW the really good part. Lisa had a miracle if you would call it that. You know what, instead of rewriting her words she said I could forward on what happened when she got home. So here's Lisa's story.
"I drove home full of all sorts of things to go over in my head. Thinking and worring and laughing and crying. I was sort of worried about the money I spent and thought I'd figure out something later. I had to go on this trip. I'm praying on it all the way home along with tons of other things thanking GOD for you and for the way my kids enjoyed themselves and such. I come home to my darling Emily she runs out to greet us I pour the coffee she made me and start to tell her all about our adventure. As I am talking to her, I check the mailbox. I received two very very important pieces of mail the first one I recognized immediately! The second letter was from St Luke's School. I figured it was a bill...tuition payments start soon. It was a check! A check, not a bill. Do you believe in miracles Carey? I do. The check was enough to cover what I spent this weekend with $20.00 left to get a few things we are out of here. I called my mom
immediately. Hi mom...I'm home safe....wanna hear a story. Proceeded to tell her about the wonderful weekend I had and why I HAD TO GO and then broke down sobbing when I got to the part about the check! It was like a sign from GOD that going this weekend was the right thing, the only thing,(the predestined thing??) to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He had my back all along. The check was mailed before I decided to go. He just had you help my decide to go. I still cry now thinking about it."
You just can't plans things like that, you just have to follow the inner voice in you and all will go well.
Now I am caught up, I guess I could write about last weekend in Presque Isle which was a blast but the holiday weekend is upon us and I need to take off to kentucky to drive Millard back home. Hope everyone has a terrific holiday.
Your Friend Always,
Gotta GoGo!!
Gotta GoGo!!