Friday, December 19, 2008

A Hey Gang Christmas

Hey Gang,
Changing the pace here for a bit, will get to the conclusion of the Hey Gang Address soon. Seeing that we are only days away from Christmas thought I would take a small break from my political writings, though I have about 4 started in my draft folder. A lot of important and serious stuff happening that should be talked about but its time we all try to get in a brighter cheerier mood.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO instead of sending one long Christmas email out I thought from now until Christmas I would send one Christmas memory story a day. And I thought it would be really neat that if you have any, send it to me and I will include in my blog and send it out to the Gang. Oh don't tell me you don't have any holiday memories or stories to tell. For instance Lisa in Erie was telling me how her Mom would ring the bells, you know what, thats not for me to write about thats her story to tell. She can conclude it, here's one of mine. Some of you may remember this cute story but for the new additions on the list you will enjoy it.
I met this older gentleman in church about 14 years ago. His name was Dave Sertz who passed away a few years back. He had a stroke and was confined to a wheel chair. The guy that would pick him up for church couldn't one day so he asked me you live closer to Dave can you take him to church? Thats how I struck up a friendship with Dave. This one Christmas Dave had no one to take him to the store. He kept calling and asking Carey please take me to the store I need to buy a Christmas gift. I was incredibly busy and kept putting him off. Finally 2 days before Christmas I called Dave and asked do you still need to go to the store? He said yes. So I agreed to take him. I got to his house late and he said hurry to the Richmond Mall we don't have much time. I rushed him over there and asked which store? Dave said lets hurry to JC Penney's. I took him there and then asked now where? He said to the Mens department. I got him up there in time and
asked now what? He said find yourself something you like.
All that time he was bugging me to take him to the store was to buy me a gift. Ain't that special?? Thinking about it it still brings a tear to my eye. That is one Christmas memory I will never forget.
OK see how easy that was, now your turn.

Gotta GoGo!!

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