Hey Gang,
Thought I should address what has been filling up my inbox and send a HELLO out to everyone as its been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to quiet. I know that doesn't seem to make sense but let me explain.
Last couple of weeks possibly more, I've received hardly any emails. BUT what I am lacking in personal emails and how are you's from the Gang, I receive more than enough invites to join all kinds of online communities such as Face Book, Blow a Kiss, Myspace, Gib Link, LinkedIn, Fanbox, Tagged, just to name a few. WOW! I have received a Kiss from Bob almost twice a day for a week now, Ruth has sent me a kiss, now that kiss I don't mind, prayers from friends who are atheists, tagged from people I didn't even know were alive, invites to join business communities, welcomes to hop on board wife swapping, I don't even have a wife, how can anyone keep up with all of this and I know some of you belong to more than one! WHY? Help me out, someone has to stop the madness!!
Let me explain something. I started www.gogobus.cc way before Myspace took the internet world by storm. Its a real shame that I didn't capitalize on the idea. My initial webmaster went crazy jealous and deleted the original GoGo Bus site. Our plan was to link friends and acquaintances together. After that jealous boy did what he did, I hired and fired a host of web masters. Not one could capture the feel of what I had in mind. By the time Jeff B. took GoGo Bus over Myspace was launched and I lost out. In the very beginning of Myspace I alienated a lot of people because I refused to join or answer anyones invite. I kept hoping that the Bus site would be finished plus I didn't quite get the concept. I finally realized that Myspace is a mini website. A personal website that anyone could build. It was then I joined and started adding people and also used Myspace to direct people to www.gogobus.cc. I still hardly ever respond when people write
through Myspace but at least I add people and I do visit friends Myspace profiles. This is no different than you visiting www.gogobus.cc so I have come to respect your site on Myspace.
I know you hate reading anything of length so will stop here and send part II tomorrow.
Gotta GoGo!!
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