Thursday, October 14, 2010

korean flight

I had the window seat for the flight to Korea. It didn't matter. It was night when we left the states and night when we arrived in Korea. So didn't see nothing but black,

The flight was very non eventful other than balsamic vinegar foot. The lady sitting next to me had a bug bite. So the stewardess gave her vinegar for it. Some odors just don't mix well. Feet and vinegar are one.

The Korean stewardesses put ours to shame. Ours aren't pretty and thin. In fact some are males and homos. Even the uniforms if you call it that are sad on the Americans. The Korean girls were a sight to see all made up and marching in order to board the plane. They smiled and looked just as good at the start of the 14 hour flight as they did when it ended.

On Korean Air, the plane with the logo that looks like Pepsi, they feed you quite well. We were only in the air only 20 minutes and they started serving us. Peanuts, orange juice, snacks. One dish was called Bibimbap. And just like anything Asian it came with instructions on how to put it together. That was served with seaweed soup. Its tastes like Lake Erie on a hot summer day. Their hospitality was terrific. Hot wash clothes, checking on you.

I sat next to two real fine people. The lady was from Jacksonville, the man was named Lee from Atlanta a missionary.

When they call it Korea Air they mean. Sure there is English subtitles but they are small. I watched to Korean movies. The Marines are gone, an OLD B movie about the Korean war, The other I recommend is 71 into the fire.

In Korea now. Write more later.

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