Thursday, May 24, 2012

13 B Philippines

After the Fort Pilar it was coffee time.  They thought I was kolokoy for wanting coffee in mid day sun, I said of you drink something hot it makes the outside seem cooler.  Ruth kept telling me there are no coffee shops, not many drink it here but I insisted we find coffee.

Before locating my java we bought some cold fruit drinks.  I ordered the pineapple.  Thata had her drink  grabbed right out of  her hand from a kid.  Ruth didn't want hers so when two boys were begging for it she gave it to them.  From what I understand drink grabbing or begging for what you have is common.

Success - coffee was found.  You won't believe where, Dunkin' Donuts at Paseo Del Mar a neat place to gather.  Bars, eateries, food stands, dancing fountain, festive atmosphere but bring a guard with you, Muslims and the kidnappers lurk waiting to snatch you away in their boats to other islands or so they say.  I didn't care and enjoyed myself.

I was fascinated by the coin divers.   The divers wait in boats, you throw a coin into the water and like a flash they dive in and grab the coin.  Some of the divers were little kids under 10 some as young as 3.  One boy was naked.  I just can't imagine this going on in the US.
 Edgar fooled them a few times by throwing coins real hard.  Twice the divers came up empty.  The divers taunt hey my friend what are you going to throw.

We waited for the dancing fountain to turn on and then headed back to the hotel in time for me to watch the homos gone wild in the hotel lobby but I wrote about that already.

Gotta GoGo!!

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