Friday, June 21, 2024

My Absurd Dreams

 My mind never stops.

I constantly dream, even when I take short naps.
I usually remember and post only my more profound dreams, but lately, I remember the more absurd.
For instance, I dreamt I pulled a newborn mouse out of my ear and threw it on the ground.
Then I spent the next part of the dream walking around looking for that mouse to show my friends who didn't believe me.
Last night, I dreamt a man in a suit with an incredible broadcasting voice was telling me about a cassette with Country's greatest hits could be mine... then he said But wait, there's more, you could also have these 110 cassettes with more Country music in this case if you would... I think he was alluding to signing me up for cable.
But then I woke up for a bathroom break.
I'm glad I did, or I may be singing - My bed got wet, and it's not from rain, and could have added that song to the 111 cassettes.
Carey On...

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