Sunday, October 24, 2010

sunday update

Today went to Ruth's church. I loved the open air feel of it. No windows only shutters. Wooden pews, some dressed, others casual. Praise and worship was lively almost like Lakeshore Assembly. Just a very nice church.

The best part was its missions week. The sermon was about that. I couldn't understand to much. They preach in part English and part Tagalog plus my ear is bad from swimming. I keep telling everyone I am deaf in one ear and the other doesn't understand. But what I could make out was about the US and missionaries, the story of Ruth leaving her mother and clinging to her mother in law and part of a song, a alien in a strange and foreign land. Hummina hummina!

Ruth showed me around the grounds, her office and where she teachs.  The compound, I guess thats the proper term is behind an iron gate.  Many places are like that around here, including houses.

After service Ruth and a group of her friends took me to one of the best seafood restaurants around, Almira's. Delicious.

Thats all for now

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